Aerial photo of Cannon Rocks
Road sign 40kph Caution Children Joggers Cyclists Pedestrians Wild Animals
Beach with clouds and Aloe plant in the foreground
Beach at sunset with water puddles
Road leading into sunset
Cannon Rocks Beach

Cannon Rocks Etiquette guideline 2024

As you embark on your journey through our picturesque village, here are some
friendly reminders to ensure everyone enjoys their time here:


Please familiarise yourself with the most common municipal by-laws available on
the website You can find them under the ‘News’ section.
Promoting Neatness and Safety in Cannon Rocks

Driving Delight: Don’t be naughty, just drive 40.
Slow down, speed demons. The speed limit is 40, not a penny more.
Avoid unlicensed vehicles and wear protective clothing when necessary.

I Love It When You Talk Dirty: Pack it in, pack it out. Dispose of rubbish responsibly and refrain from littering along the verge. Drop off your rubbish at the designated dumpsite on your way out of the village (turn right just after where the trucks collect water, past the Cannon Rocks Cabins).

⏰ Rise and shine: It’s time to give your rubbish its early morning wake-up call every Monday. Make sure it’s out by 8am sharp! And hey, let’s not give in to laziness – no black bags left out overnight or for too long.
Cats and mongoose cannot resist. Let us keep our village clean.

🚧 Builders – Keep it Tidy: No whipping up cement soufflés in the middle of the road. Let us keep the streets clear for smooth and easy driving.

Building a Considerate and Caring Community

Fireworks Free Zone: Sorry, sparklers, you gotta stay home. Let us keep the booms and bangs away from our cozy neighbourhood. Fireworks without written permission from the local authority are considered an offense under Section 10.34 of the Explosives Act No. 26 (1956).

🎼 Tune it Down: No need to shake the sand with booming beats. Say No to Ear-Splitting Tunes.

No Garden Dumping: Avoid Garden dumping to keep vacant plots safe from fire hazards.

Beach Bliss: Our beaches are for strolling, swimming, and leisure. But remember, motor vehicles and motorcycles are prohibited as per the National Environmental Management Act.

Recreational Vehicle Caution: Let us navigate those vehicles with caution. Safety first, thrill-seekers.

Nature Awareness

🐒 Monkey Manners: Don’t play snack dealer to those mischievous monkeys. Let them do their own grocery shopping, thank you very much.

🚶‍♂️ Respect Nature Trails: Take a leisurely stroll but leave nothing behind except footprints (and maybe some happy memories). Oh, and leave those bikes at home, please.

🐾Mind your Paws & Pick-Ups: Furry friends and service dogs are welcome but keep ’em leashed. Beach adventures are better with responsible pet parents. Do not forget to scoop that Doggie Doo.

🦉Nighttime Navigators: Have you heard about our breeding Spotted Eagle Owls and Rufous-cheeked nightjars. Drive safely after dark and keep an Eye Out for Our Feathered Friends and Furry Neighbours.

🐢Keep it Wild, Keep it Wonderful: Show some love. From bushbuck to tortoises, and a myriad of birds, Cannon Rocks is home to a diverse array of creatures. Let us treat them with the kindness they deserve. Oh, and hands off those tortoises, folks.

Marine Preservation

Reel it In: No Fishing at the Swimming Beach. Come on – There is Loads of Space for Everyone.

💙 Hooked a fish: Show it some love before it swims free. Remember to remove the hook gently and give our fishy friends the freedom they deserve. If it is not for your dinner and tummy, let it go.

Fishing Sustainable Seafood: Avid anglers. Remember Red, Orange, Green – know what you can catch sustainably. Check out for info.

Fishing Licence: Hey you, yes you – Remember your fishing licence. Get yours easily online at

Protect Beach Resources: Leave the rocks and pebbles be—they are nature’s little warriors against erosion. And those shellfish – They are not just bait; they are part of the beachy ecosystem.

Show Respect for the Marine Ecosystem: Avoid disturbing its delicate balance. Please refrain from disrupting nesting birds along our shores.

No Authorised Beach Launching Sites in Cannon Rocks: Please utilise designated launching sites at Boknes, Bushmans, or Kenton-on-Sea, with your permit in hand.

Water Conservation

Water Wisdom: In this sun-kissed land, every drop counts. Let us use water wisely, folks.

Let us keep Cannon Rocks the tranquil paradise it is. Thank you for being mindful of our environment.

Best wishes
The Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association