Cannon Rocks Community Hall
On 2 March 2021 at 14:00
- The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.
- A special welcome to the Chairman of the Pool Club.
- Present.
Mr. Bert Venter Chairperson
Ms. Adéle du Plessis
Mr. Paul Strutt
M.r Philip du Plessis
Mr. Barry Fourie
Ms. Michel Hayes
Ms. Barbara Beckmann
Ms. Tracey Bull
Mr. Jim Pomroy Secretary
- Apologies. None
- Absent without Apology. None
- Additional Items. Refer to Additional Items below.
- The minutes of the committee meeting of 8 February 221 was approved with one spelling error. Proposed by Mr. Paul Strutt and seconded by Ms. Adele du Plessis.
- The minutes of the extra ordinary meeting on the 18 December 2020 was approved. Proposed by Mr. Philip du Plessis and seconded by Ms. Barbara Beckmann
- Matter not addressed under portfolios. None
- Steering Committee. Chairman
- Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF). Nothing to report.
- Community Hall. Investigation regarding the extension of the lease of the Community Hall is still on hold.
- Tennis Courts. Portfolio Holder submitted a preliminary estimate and proposal. Estimated cost will be in range of R75,000.00 to R80,000.00. As this is identified as one of the areas of importance, it as proposed that this would become a CRRA project. The Tennis Club to compile a concept project plan.
- Play Park. Mr. Pomroy reported that investigations are being done to ascertain the cost and possible supplier for a fibreglass slide to replace the damaged slide. The meeting emphasized that as Easter holidays were approaching, the old slide should be removed as a matter of urgency.
- Parking Area. The Ndalmbe Coastal Maintenance Manage Plan (MMP) was approved by the Department Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT). However, an appeal has been submitted against the approval of the plan and the project has been put on hold, pending the outcome of the appeal. Since the date of the meeting, the Deputy Director Community Protection Services advised the Chairman that, excluding the area related to the objection, implementation of the MMP may continue.
- Telkom Communication. Nothing to report.
- Maintenance and Infrastructure.
- Traffic Signs.
- Maintenance. A letter addressed to the Director Infrastructural Development regarding the maintenance of Sandra Street and Stroebel Street as well as Potgieter, Patricia and Futter/Gavin Streets, will be forwarded soon.
- Fire Fighting and Precaution.
- Hydrant Keys. The portfolio holder reported that no response was received on the request for hydrant keys, for the new hydrants fitted throughout Cannon Rocks. It was stated that in view of the no response from the Municipality Mr. Hillier to be approached to manufacture at a cost of R180.00 each. Chairman to draft a letter to the Director Community & Protection Services.
- Damaged Fire Hydrants. It was reported that three hydrants have been damaged by drivers of the water trucks. This puts at risk certain areas of Cannon Rocks. Chairman to draft a letter to the Director Community & Protection Services.
- Communication and Community Support.
- Information Leaflet. An information leaflet to be produced in conjunction with Ms. Tracey Bull, to be distributed to new members to the Community this will be separate from the end of year information leaflet.
- Security and Safety. Nothing to report.
- Ward 1 Liaison. Nothing to report
- Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
- Environmental.
- An Email was received from Prof E. Grossman regarding the footpath at Nautilus Beach. This was noted for investigation.
- The Section Ranger: Woody Cape (Addo Elephant National Park) sent an Email regarding bicycles and motorized bicycles using the nature trail and riding on the beach. It was requested that a sign should be posted at the entrance to the trail at the cannons. It was noted that this is a SANParks responsibility and additional signs would be unsightly. SANParks to be requested to add information to their existing board. Portfolio holder to contact the Section Ranger and explain CRRA’s position.
- Advertising.
- Nothing to report
- Expenditure. No Expenses.
- Correspondence Received.
- Correspondence Sent. Letter to Director Community and Protection Services regarding firefighting equipment.
- Use of Community Hall. The Chairman of the Pool Club attended the meeting to discuss and agree to the change of the Agreement between the CRRA and the Pool Club on the request by the Pool Club for an additional day.
- Decision.
- Approval was granted that the pool club may use the Community Hall on Monday Fridays and Mondays at the existing tariff.
- The chairman to update the agreement to include the amendments.
- Decision.
- Recycling. An information leaflet was received from Altins Recycling in Port Alfred. Advertising their recycling service. Residents are encouraged to use this facility by placing their recyclable items in a clear plastic bag and dropping it off at Boknes Municipal Office or at Bushmans River Bend recycle depot.
- Membership Fees. A total of 76 membership fees for 2021 have been received to date.
- Date of AGM. The AGM is scheduled for 3 April 2021 at 16h00.
- Further from the meeting, the following feedback to members.
- Tennis Courts.
- The next meeting will be held on 6 April 2021 at 14h00, at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 15h45.