Cannon Rocks Community Hall
On 8 February 2021 at 14:00
Mr. Bert Venter Chairperson
Ms. Adéle du Plessis
Mr. Paul Strutt
Mr. Philip du Plessis
Mr. Barry Fourie
Ms. Michel Hayes
Mr. Jim Pomroy Secretary
- Apologies.
Ms. Barbara Beckmann
Ms. Tracey Bull
- Absent without Apology. None
- Additional Items (Para 21)
- The minutes of the committee meeting of 2 November 2020 was approved. Proposed by Mr. Paul Strutt and seconded by Ms. Adele du Plessis.
- The minutes of the special meeting on the 28 December as approved. Proposed by Mr. Jim Pomroy and seconded by Ms. Adele du Plessis.
- Not addressed under None
- Steering Committee. Chairman
- Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF). Nothing to report.
- Areas of Importance.
- Tennis Courts. Adele du Plessis reported that a preliminary cost for painting the Tennis Court, currently appear to be prohibitive. This may necessitate the need to raise additional funds. Portfolio holder was requested to submit a proposal at the next meeting.
- Play Park. Piet van der Westhuizen, caretaker of the play park, reported that maintenance at the play park included amongst other, the replacement of the seats of both swings. He also reported that the small plastic slide had cracked and could result in an injury to children.
- Decision. It as proposed that the slide should be removed and a new one purchased.
- Parking Area Still on hold.
- Telkom Communication. The chairman reported that, whilst in Pretoria recently, he made contact with the Special Customer Value Manager at Telkom Headquarters in Centurion. The poor Telkom wireless reception at Cannon Rocks were discussed. The Telkom Official undertook to investigate the concerns raised by Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association and will respond in writing.
- Maintenance and Infrastructure.
- Traffic Signs. The new traffic signs have been delivered and erected.
- Fire Fighting and Precaution. The fire extinguishers have been serviced and returned to the portfolio holder
- Hydrant Keys. The portfolio holder reported that no response was received on the request for hydrant keys, for the new hydrants fitted throughout Cannon Rocks. Chairman to draft a letter to the Director Community Protection.
- Communication and Community Support.
- Webpage. The portfolio holder reported the first advertisement on the webpage. The portfolio holder of Advertising should be informed to enable the advertiser to be invoiced.
- Information Leaflet. Design of the information leaflet as still ongoing. It is envisaged that the leaflet should be handed to all new comers to Cannon Rocks.
- Security and Safety.
- Night Patrol Currently five people from Cannon Rocks were involved in night patrols. A special thanks for their efforts. Other members of the community who are prepared to give up an evening are requested to contact the portfolio holder.
- Ward 1 Liaison. Nothing to report
- Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
- Environmental.
- The Chairman and the portfolio holder visited the SANParks office to discuss with SANParks for closer cooperation with regards to the closure of the Nature Trail. It was proposed that CRRA be notified when such occurrences happen.
- Following the closure of the Cannon Rocks Trails by SANParks, an email was received from SANParks informing that the trail will be re-opened with effect from the 2nd of February 2021.
- Advertising.
- All advertisers at the entrance to Boknes have been emailed or hand delivered an invoice for payment and renewal. Some advertisers have already paid. Close liaison between the treasurer and the portfolio holder to ensure payment and renewal.
- Two advertisers are not wishing to renew but new enquiries should be able to fill all these spaces.
- Invoicing advertisers on both the advertising board at the entrance to Boknes as well as on the website remain the responsibility of the portfolio holder for adverting.
- Statement of Account. The bank balances as at the end of January 2021 were noted.
- Expenditure.
- Correspondence Received. E Mail from SANParks regarding the re-opening of the Trail at Cannon Rocks.
- Correspondence Sent. Letter to Standard Bank requesting change of signature authorities.
- Use of Community Hall. The Snooker Club has requested for the use of the community hall for an additional day per week.
- Decision. The request was approved in principle, however the existing agreement will have to be amended. Chairman to prepare a concept agreement for the next meeting.
- Recycling. Stand over.
- Membership Fees Approximately 40 membership fees have been received. Emails will be sent to those members who are still outstanding
- Date of AGM. Stand over.
- Further from the meeting, the following feedback to members.
- Tennis Courts
- Website
- Membership Dues
- Street Numbers
- The next meeting will be held on 2 March 2021 at 14h00, at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 15h45.