Cannon Rocks Community Hall
On 13 APRIL 2023 at 14h00
- The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.
- Present.
Mr Bert Venter Chairperson
Ms Barbara Beckmann
Mr Philip du Plessis
Ms Michelle Hayes
Mr Paul Strutt
Ms Alta Kotze
Ms Adéle du Plessis Acting Secretary
- Apologies.
Ms Tracey Bull
Mr. Barry Fourie
- Absent without Apology. None
- Refer to Additional items below.
- Approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 7 March 2023 proposed by Ms Michelle Hayes and seconded by Ms Alta Kotze. Minutes to be made available on the Website.
- Illegal Squatting. Regarding the unlawful and illegal occupiers of the Boknes transfer site to evict, the High Court of Makhanda ordered on 28 March 2023.
- The matter be and is hereby postponed to the 25th April 2023.
- This is the last postponement at the Respondent’s request.
- Costs be and are hereby reserved.
- Parking Areas: Environmental Monitor Control Committee. Nothing to report.
- Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum. The Municipal draft Budget for 2023/2024 as well as the Annual Auditor’s Report was received. Members of the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF) are requested to peruse these documents and forward comment and or proposals. A meeting with the Municipal Financial Officer and relevant municipal staff will be arranged to discuss the draft budget.
- Decision. Michelle Hayes, Mr. Phillip du Plessis and the Chairman to analyse the municipal draft budget as well as the annual audit report and make recommendations.
- Eskom Load shedding. Following a letter by CRRA dated 22 February 2023, Eskom replied to the Ndlambe Municipal Manager on 13 April 2023, that;
- the request for exclusion from was submitted to the Load shedding Committee and regretfully the application for exemption was not supported and,
- the willingness to comply to a load reduction strategy is noted but unfortunately Ndlambe Local Municipality cannot be considered for exemption due to reasons stated in the Eskom letter dated 13 April 2023.
The Ndlambe Municipality is therefore advised to apply for dedicated supply for CAN249 or Microgrid Solution.
- Maintenance and Infrastructure.
- Infrastructure Maintenance Plan. During a meeting with the Deputy Director Infrastructural Development, CRRA Chairman and the Portfolio Holder Infrastructure, on 22 March 2023, the Infrastructure Maintenance Plan for Cannon Rocks (March 2023 edition) was discussed and approved. The Portfolio Holder Infrastructure will monitor the plan and provide feedback as required.
- Water Delivery Point. Both the earth works and the paving were completed at the new water delivery point opposite the Cannon Rocks Cabins. The fire hydrant was replaced with a metered shut off valve and an overhead delivery hose was installed. Should there be any serious complaints, please report to portfolio holder supported by evidence.
- Play Park. Maintenance needs to be done.
- Community Hall Building.
- Building Plans. Copies of an updated plan of the Community Hall was received.
- Decision:
- Portfolio Holder to make copies of the plan and submit them to the Ndlambe Building Plan Section.
- Portfolio Holder to monitor the approval process and provide feedback as and when necessary.
- Maintenance. The light in the entrance foyer of the Community Hall was stolen. The light will be replaced.
- Electrical Change Over Selector Switch. The Ladies Tea Club is prepared to purchase a generator for use at the Community Hall during Eskom load shedding. Various options i.e. ownership and responsibilities were discussed.
- Decision. The purchase and installation of an Electrical Change Over Selector Switch and an extension cable which can be connected to a generator, was approved. Kalvin Beckmann is authorized to purchase the electrical switch and the installation thereof.
- Fire Fighting and Precaution. Nothing to report.
- Communication and Community Support. Nothing to report.
- Security and Safety. A meeting between the Deputy Chief Traffic Officer, Me T. Jacobs, the Chairman of Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association, Mr. B. Venter, and the Portfolio Holder Security and Safety, Mr P. du Plessis was held at Cannon Rocks on 24 March 2023. The aim of the meeting was to discuss traffic related matters and improve relations between the Traffic Department and Cannon Rocks.
- In an attempt to curb speeding in Potgieter Street, it was decided that three additional speed humps should be erected in Potgieter Street. The traffic Department will provide the required traffic signage.
- The replacement of two pedestrian crossing signs in Alice Road was approved.
- The habit that passengers are allowed on municipal tractors was discussed. It is not only illegal to allow people other than the driver, on municipal tractors, but also very dangerous for the passenger. The Deputy Chief Traffic Officer was shocked by this information and will take this matter up with the relevant director.
- A request was forwarded to the Deputy Chief Traffic Officer for more regular visibility in Cannon Rocks.
- Decision.
- The Portfolio Holder Safety and Security to follow-up with the Deputy Chief Traffic Officer regarding the availability of the traffic signage as approved.
- The Infrastructure Portfolio Holder to follow-up with the Deputy Director Infrastructural Development (west) regarding the erection of speedhumps in Potgieter Street.
- Ward 1 Liaison. The next Ward 1 meeting is scheduled for 3 May 2023 and agenda items for the meeting were requested.
- Decision. The request for the inclusion to upgrade Potgieter Street as well as Nancy-, Patricia- and Futter Streets in the Municipal Integrated Development Plan (IDP) to be forwarded as an agenda item. Also refer to paragraph 18.1 below.
- Local Government and Development.
- Municipal Integrated Development Plan. A request was forwarded for the inclusion to upgrade Potgieter Street as well as Nancy-, Patricia- and Futter Streets in the Municipal Integrated Development Plan (IDP). Ndlambe Municipality, Departmental request for Capital Item (other than furniture, equipment and vehicles) forms were completed and attached as Anexures to the application dated 30 March 2023.
- Spatial Development Framework. Feedback was received in writing from Tshani Consulting c.c, the consultancies appointed by the Ndlambe Municipality to review the Spatial Development Framework (SDF), that CRRA’s input has been incorporated. However, the table format of some of the representing information, will be changed to be in line with the layout of the document. A copy of the report will be shared once the Ndlambe Municipal council resolution has been received
- Environment.
- Awareness Notice Board. Following the approval of the awareness notice board on 23 March 2023, the Portfolio Holder Safety and Security to compile concept Awareness Notice Board(s) for approval.
- Garden Refuse Transfer Site.
- A meeting was held on 23 March 2023 at Boknes Community Hall with the Deputy Director Community Protection Services to discuss entrance control to the Garden Refuse Transfer Site at Boknes. The main concern remains entrance control after hours and Sundays.
- du Plessis also reported that roof material that seems to be asbestos, were dumped illegally.
- Decision. Chairman, Portfolio Holder Infrastructure and Mr. du Plessis to carry out an on-site inspection and compile a report for the attention of the Director Community Protection Services.
- Advertising.
- Notices to be sent out to outstanding account holders.
- Statement of Account.
- The bank balance as at the end of March 2023 was noted with approval
- Correspondence Received.
- Letter – Approval for the erection of an Awareness Notice Board dated 23 March 2023.
- E Mail – Enquiries Eskom Pole dated 2 April 2023.
- Correspondence Sent.
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- BN/CR Meeting. The first CR/BN combined meeting for 2023 is due.
- Decision. The vice Chairman, who chaired the previous BN/CR meeting to;
- confirm possible dates for a BN\CR meeting during the first half of 2023 and,
- make the minutes of the previous BN/CR meeting available to CRRA members.
- E Mail: Me Verona Veltman. Me Verona Veltman reported regarding an overgrown Eskom pole which may cause electrical short circuits in writing on 2 April 2023.
- Decision. Chairman to provide feedback to Verona that Eskom agreed to attend to overgrown pole by 24 April 2023
- The following items to be addressed in the April Newsletter.
- Illegal Squatting.
- Water Delivery Point.
- Eskom replay to request for exclusion from load shedding.
- Repair of potholes.
- The next monthly will be held on 2 May 2023.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 16:00