Cannon Rocks Community Hall
On 14 February 2023 at 10h00
- The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.
- Present.
Mr. Bert Venter Chairperson
Ms. Barbara Beckmann
Mr.Philip du Plessis
Ms. Michelle Hayes
Ms. Adéle du Plessis Acting Secretary
- Apologies.
Mr. Barry Fourie
Mr. Paul Strutt
Ms. Tracey Bull
Ms. Alta Kotze
- Absent without Apology. None
- Refer to Additional Items below.
- Approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 18 January 2023 proposed by Mr. Phillip du Plessis and seconded by Ms. Michelle Hayes. Minutes to be made available on the Website.
- Illegal Squatting.
- The chairman contacted the supervisory SAPS Officer responsible for the SAPS building at the entrance to Cannon Rocks. The SAPS will monitor any suspicious movement.
- The application in the High Court of Makhanda against the unlawful and illegal occupiers of the Boknes dumpsite to evict, was re-scheduled for 31 January 2023. However, on 31 January 2023 the case was postponed by the Judge of the Makhanda High Court until 14 February 2023. However, the case was postponed again, for the fourth time until 28 February 2023.
- Parking Areas: Environmental Monitor Control Committee. Nothing to report.
- Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum. Nothing to report..
- Maintenance and Infrastructure.
- Maintenance.
- During a meeting between the Deputy Director Infrastructural Development, CRRA Chairman and the portfolio Holder on 26 January 2023 an updated Infrastructural Maintenance Plan was discussed and approved. The portfolio holder will monitor the execution of activities.
- Chairman to send letter of appreciation to Mr. Arthur Taute for the training of municipal workers to repair potholes.
- Play Park. Nothing to report
- Community Hall Building.
- Chairman had a meeting with Willie Groenewald to discuss the update of the building plans of the Community Hall. The braais in the braai area to be included.
- The portfolio holder reported that the defective lights, fans in the hall and the broken door handle of the braai area were repaired.
- Traffic Signage.
- Waiting for feedback from traffic department.
- Maintenance.
- Fire Fighting and Precaution. Nothing to report.
- Communication and Community Support. The Secretary to forward the minutes (concept) of the AGM dated 29 December 2022 to all members.
- Security and Safety.
- Camera. The portfolio holder reported that the License Plate Recognition (LPR) camera at the entrance to Cannon Rocks was fitted and will be monitored by Hi-Tec Security. Monitoring by Boknes Buurtwag still to be finalised.
- Transgression of Legislation. During a meeting between the Municipal By-Law Officer, the municipal Dog and Animal Control Officer, CRRA Portfolio Holder – Safety and Security and CRRA Chairman on 24 January 2023 the following was discussed.
- Dogs attacking residents.
- Dogs without a leash in public.
- Poultry etc. in domestic area.
- Additional Signage.
- Illegal dumping of branches and grass/garden refuse.
- Transgression of By-Law. An incident of transgression of the Ndlambe Municipal Prevention of Public Nuisances and Keeping of Animals By-Law took place recently, where elderly people were attacked by three dogs on the beach. This incident was reported to the Ndlambe Municipal By-Law Officer. A case was subsequently opened at the SAPS station in Alexandria.
- Ward 1 Liaison.
- Application for Lease of Erf 356. Cannon Rocks. An application to lease erf 356 at Cannon Rocks was tabled as an agenda point on The Ward 1 Committee meeting on 9 February 2023. CRRA responded in writing against the application. The application was referred back due to the applicant not following the correct municipal procedures.
- Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
- Environment.
- Awareness Notice Board. Waiting for progress feedback.
- Advertising.
- Following discussions, the chairman to forward notices to illegal advertisers.
- Payment by 50% of the advertisers for 2023 financial year, has been received.
- Statement of Account.
- The bank balance as at the end of January 2023 was noted with approval.
- Expenditure. The following expenditure was approved.
- R624,00 for fittings and replacement of defective items at Community Hall.
- Correspondence Received.
- None
- Correspondence Sent.
- E Mail to Col Greeff – SAPS Grahamstown
- Request Pool Club. The chairman of the Pool Club approached CRRA for the co-use of CRRA’s banking facilities.
- Decision.
- The request by the Pool Club for the co-use of CRRA banking facilities was approved for one financial year.
- The Treasurer to compile a draft agreement between CRRA and the Pool Club.
- Decision.
- Shut-Off Valve. Enquiries were received regarding the open trench at one of the shut-off valves in the main water supply line. The chairman advised that the contractor is waiting to receive the new replacement valve that needs to be fitted. Once fitted the trench will be covered
- The following items to be addressed in the February Newsletter.
- Fishing license.
- Dogs on leashes.
- The next monthly will be held on 7 March 2023.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 11h50.