ON 6th FEBRUARY 2024 AT 10H00


  1. The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present. A special welcome to Mr Ron Mackenzie and Willem Zietsman the newly elected committee members.  Also a word of welcome to Mr Steve Bond, the chairman of the pool club.


  1. Present.

Mr. Bert Venter                          Chairperson

Ms. Michelle Hayes

Ms. Barbara Beckmann

Ms. Alta Kotze

Mr. Paul Strutt

Ms. Tracey Bull

Ms. Adéle du Plessis

Mr. Ron Mackenzie

Mr. Willem Zietsman

Ms. Helen Mackenzie                 Secretary

  1. Apologies.

Mr. Barry Fourie

  1. Absent without Apology. None


  1. Allocation of Portfolios.
  2. Wedding Request.
  3. Transgression of By-Laws.
  4. Fencing at the Tennis Club.
  5. Re-election of Chairman and Vice Chairman.
  6. Money collected at the Church Christmas Service.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 7th November 2023 proposed by Ms Tracey Bull and seconded by Ms Michelle Hayes. Minutes to be made available on the Website and distributed to members.


  1. Fun Run.
    • Due to the emigration of the Chairperson of the Social Club Committee in January 2024, the responsibility for organising the annual fun run was unsure. Following discussions with the Social Club Committee, the management and coordination of the annual Fun Run will remain under the auspices of the Social Club.  CRRA Committee to assist with the arrangements of the Fun Run.
    • The importance of following correct protocol and obtaining permission from the SAPS in terms of the Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act no 2 of 2010 as well as the Ndlambe Municipality was highlighted.
    • Decision. The chairman to thank Mr. Jon Goetsch in writing to thank him for his assistance and for overseeing the Fun Run over the December 2023 period at the last minute.
  2. Notice Board. One of the two new awareness boards that was purchased and erected in Alice Road, next to the caravan park, is not prominently visible by pedestrians or motorists.  It was referred to CRRA committee to either relocate or re-positioning the board in order to increase its visibility for both oncoming vehicles and pedestrians.
    • Decision. The portfolio holder Environment to order an additional double-sided awareness board for the area in front of the Cannon Rocks Caravan Park and that the existing sign would be moved to Potgieter Street.
  3. Utilisation of Community Hall. A question was raised regarding the positioning of the pool tables in the community hall.  The committee has the responsibility to utilise the hall as well as the available floor space to the best use by the community.  The committee, in conjunction with the Pool Club, to investigate the possible re-location of the pool tables.  Steve Bond, Chairman of the Pool Club, joined the meeting to discuss the location of the pool tables in the hall.
    • Decision. It was agreed that the pool tables to remain at the front of the hall.


  1. Ndlambe Coastal Maintenance Management Plan. An Environmental Monitor Control Committee (EMC) meeting was held on 30 November 2023.
    • Storm Damage.
      • Extreme high sea conditions experienced on 15/16 September 2023, followed by heavy rain on 22-24 September 2023, caused storm water damage to beach parking areas, structural threats to domestic properties and general damage at various coastal areas within the Ndlambe Municipality. On-site inspections and inputs from local civil engineers revealed that urgent remedial actions at Kelley Beach, Port Alfred, Middle Beach, Kenton-on-Sea, and public parking area/slipway at Boknesstrand will be required.  The re-establishment of Blue Flag beaches was also a contributing factor.  An application for authorisation to implement remedial action was submitted to Department Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT).  Authorisation was obtained from DEDEAT under the emergency remedial authorisation of the existing Ndlambe Coastal Maintenance Management Plan (MMP).  The speedy actions by the Ndlambe Municipality, assistance, including financial assistance, from ratepayer associations and private businesses contributed to the enhancement of remedial actions.
      • Although the wind net at Kleinemonde was destroyed by the stormy weather and strong winds, the Environment Rehabilitation Plan of planting vegetation to control the effect of strong winds, seems to be successful. The positive results from the rehabilitation plan was acknowledged by DEDEAT.
    • Submissions. Due to the requirement for urgent remedial actions caused by the abnormal weather conditions, no other submissions in terms of the MMP was submitted to DEDEAT.
    • Meeting. A follow up EMC meeting is scheduled for February 2024.
  2. Ndlambe Ratepayers Association (NRF). Nothing to report.


  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure.
    • The portfolio holder reported that refuse removal has been addressed several times, but it is not being carried out correctly.
    • Potholes around the village are an ongoing item on the agenda with the Ndlambe Municipality and CRRA has been informed that these will be attended to.
    • It was reported that residents contact the Municipal Supervisor, Mr. Micheal Trompettar directly for various requests/reason.
      • Decisions. The chairman to discuss the issue regarding residents contacting the Municipal Supervisor, Mr. Micheal Trompettar directly, with the Dep. Director Infrastructure Development.
    • Maintenance of Street Lights. Street light maintenance is overdue for at least six (6) months.
    • Community Hall.
      • The Ndlambe Estate Manager informed the Chairman telephonically that no objections were received regarding the application by the Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association to extend the current lease of the Community Hall as published in the Talk of the Town. The valuation of the Community Hall was submitted by the valuator to Ndlambe Municipality.  The application was forwarded to Ward 1 and was recommended for approval.
      • Tariffs. Barbara Beckmann presented an updated tariff list for renting the Community Hall.
      • Decisions. The updated tariff for renting the community Hall during 2024 was accepted and approved.
      • Use of Generators.
        • The use of the generator will be addressed as and when needed by each booking made.
        • As a safety precaution when using generators at the community hall, it was approved that Mr Beckmann to replace the two single pole switches at the electrical distribution board with a single double pole safety switch.
      • Church Services. The Dutch Reformed Church requested for the use of the Community for four church services on suitable Sunday mornings during 2024.
      • Decision.
        • The request for the use of the Community Hall by the Dutch Reformed Church during 2024 on suitable dates, is provisionally approved.
      • Barbara Beckmann will notify the relevant church when a booking for the use of the hall on the Saturday prior to a church service is granted. Although all individuals using the hall are expected to clean the venue after use, the church can perform further cleaning if they wish so.
  1. Fire Fighting and Precaution.
    • Operational Readiness, paragraph 17.1.1 of Committee Meeting Minutes dated 3 October 2023, stand over for next meeting.
    • Update of Fire Precaution Notice, paragraph 17 3 1 of Committee Meeting Minutes dated 3 October 2023, stand over for next meeting.
  2. Communication and Community Support. The portfolio holder confirmed that the webpage is a constructive tool for communication.  There is also a standard WhatsApp Group, CRRA Information, dedicated to only paid up members.  Other active forums used by the Committee were explained.  Any ad hoc messages intended for the WhatsApp – CRRA Info Group must be confirmed and agreed upon by a minimum of five (5) members of the CRRA Committee.
  3. Security and Safety.
    • The portfolio holder reported that the NAVIC System is scheduled to commence on February 1st 2024. If the entire year’s fee is paid, we will be charged for eleven (11) months with one (1) month free. The cameras have been under development and should now be operational. VOX has been busy maintaining the cameras and is in communication with HiTec to ensure everything is in order. The portfolio holder, Security and Safety will continue to communicate with HiTec and various service providers.
    • It was requested that the garden refuse transfer site at Boknes needs monitoring as houses are possibly being illegally “sublet” again. There are three municipal houses.
      • Decision. The Chairperson to follow up and report back at the next meeting.
    • Following a meeting of the Boknes Neighbourhood Watch, Cannon Rocks’ participation in patrolling and joining its patrol roster, was requested.
    • The CRRA is very aware of beach safety and the buoys are kept safe out of season and placed on the beach during the festive season as they tend to get stolen.
    • Traffic Signage. Stand over for next meeting.
  4. Ward 1 Liaison.
    • The portfolio holder reported the amendment of the Hall Lease has been accepted and recommended for approval by Council at the Ward 1 meeting on 6 February 2024. See paragraph 18.5.1 above.
    • Warning about Tuberculosis in the Alexandria area and the precarious need for precautions to be taken.
    • Still waiting for Funds to pave Potgieter Street.
    • Water shortage is a persistent issue in Cannon Rocks, and a consultant will be appointed to investigate the matter.
  5. Local Government and Development. The Municipal IDP Process is in process.  Nothing further to report.
  6. Environment. More rubbish bins need to be placed around Cannon Rocks.
    • Decision. The portfolio holder to forward a proposal for additional dustbins and the placement thereof.
  7. Advertising. The portfolio holder reported that the Boknes Chairman mentioned they were dissatisfied with the pricing of the noticeboards at the main entrance to Boknes/Cannon Rocks and suggested that this should be reviewed.  Service providers had been communicated with regarding the payment of their advertising boards.  A small payment towards the changing of the signage as and when needed was requested, which was agreed upon.  Boknes to share these expenses.


  1. Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of January 2024 was noted with approval.
  2. Expenditure.
    • Approval of R2,063.00 to Mr. Kelvin Beckmann for electrical repairs and spares.
    • Approval of R1,009.95 for advertising in Talk of the Town (Renewal of Lease Agreement).
    • Approval of R2,950.00 for Valuator, John Muirhead & Associates (Renewal of Lease Agreement).
    • Approval of R240.00 for travel to Port Alfred by Chairman for urgent meeting.
    • Approval of R230.00 for cleaning of hall.
  3. The portfolio holder confirmed that 70% of the members have paid their annual membership fees. Notices will be sent out to the outstanding members.


  1. Correspondence Received.
    • E Mail: Outdoor Gymnastic Apparatus. An e-mail was received from Internal Tourism and Marketing, Ms Siyabonga Madwe, of the Sarah Baartman District Municipality dated 30 November 2023 regarding an Application by CRRA for Outdoor Gymnastic Apparatus.
    • Letter: Ben and Lisa de Beer. A letter dated 1 December 2023 was received from Mr Ben de Beer and his wife regarding the restricted parking at Roes Restaurant.  During an on-site visit by the Dep. Director Community Protection Services in December 2023, the parking of vehicles in the southern end of Dawn Street was discussed.  It was requested that the Ndlambe Traffic Chief to urgently attend to the parking problem during the December festive period.
    • The Pool Club. The chairman complained that the one pool table was moved during the Art Exhibition in December 2023. This was done in spite of the non-approval by the Hall Management, to move the one pool table.  Any twisting, uneven movement of the top could damage the integrity of the slate bedding and its framework.  Therefore, the chairman requested that the table be repositioned to its original location by a competent person
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • Maintenance Provincial Road (MR0463). Letter sent to the District Road Engineer regarding the maintenance of the MR0463 dated 26 November 2023.


  1. Allocation of Portfolios. Following discussions, the portfolios were allocated as follow:

Advertising                                                                              Tracey Bull

Environment                                                                                        Paul Strutt

Communication & Community Support                                              Adéle du Plessis

Fire Fighting and Precaution                                                                Alta Kotze

Caretaker Community Hall (Maintenance & Infrastructure)    Barbara Beckmann

Local Government & Developments                                                   Bert Venter

Maintenance & Infrastructure                                                  Willem Zietsman

Secretary                                                                                              Helen Mackenzie

Security Policing and Safety                                                                Ron Mackenzie

Treasurer & Bookkeeper                                                                     Michelle Hayes

Ward One (1) Representative                                                               Paul Strutt

  1. Wedding Request. A request to hold a wedding in 2025 at the Community Hall was tabled.  All relevant parties to communicate with the Community Hall Caretaker, Ms. Barbara Beckman.
  2. Transgression of By-Laws. A case was reported where dogs were roaming and chasing wildlife and threatening a resident.  The Chairman to inform the Municipal Bylaw Officer.
  3. Fencing at the Tennis Club. Ms du Plessis informed the meeting that the Tennis Club will be continuing with a new fence in the upcoming months.  For information.
  4. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman. Bert Venter was unanimously re-elected as Chairman.  The election of a Vice Chairman to stand over until May 2024.
  5. Money collected at the Church Christmas Day Service. Suggestions to be made regarding allocation of collected money.  Stand over to next meeting.
  6. Fundraising. Stand over to next meeting.


  1. The following items will be addressed in the Newsletter
    • Fun Run – To be managed by The Social Club.
    • Thank you to Jon Goetsch for managing the Fun Run.
    • An appeal for assistance from Cannon Rocks residents to join the neighbourhood watch team in conjunction with Boknes.
    • Pink Buoys are placed offsite.