ON 4th February 2025 AT 10H00



  1. The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.


  1. Present.

Mr. Bert Venter                          Chairperson

Ms. Michelle Hayes

Ms. Barbara Beckmann

Ms. Alta Kotze
Ms. Adéle du Plessis
Ms. Tracey Bull
Mr. Willem Zietsman
Mr. Paul Strut
Ms. Helen Mackenzie                 Secretary

  1. Apologies.

Mr. Ron Mackenzie

  1. Absent without Apology.



  1. Resignation – Mr. Ron Mackensie,
  2. Communication to CRRA Members regarding Annual Membership Fees.
  3. Play Area at the Community Hall.
  4. Projects for 2025.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 7th November 2024 proposed by Ms. Adele du Plessis and seconded by Ms. Michelle Hayes. Minutes to be made available on the Website and distributed to members.


  1. Ndlambe Coastal MMP. Nothing to report.
  2. Ndlambe Ratepayers Association (NRF). Nothing to report.


  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure.
    • The Portfolio Holder Maintenance and Infrastructure remained proactive throughout the festive season, ensuring that all necessary matters were addressed. Despite ongoing challenges and managing ineffective municipal staff, they successfully completed several tasks and maintained the village in good condition.
    • New Street Lights – Stinkhout Straat. An email dated 22nd January 2025 was received from Mr Peter Roux requesting new street lights at the corner of Melkhout en Stinkhout Straat, Cannon Rocks.
      • Decision. The request for a new streetlight at the corner of Melkhout and Stinkhout Straat, Cannon Rocks is supported by the Committee and the Chairperson to forward the request to Ndlambe Municipality Infastructure and Development.
    • New Street Lights – Beach Road. Mr. Jon Goetsch offered to sponsor the replacement of the two defective streetlights on Beach    Following a letter from the CRRA to the Director of Infrastructural Development dated 5th December 2024, approval and conditions for the replacement were received from the Deputy Director of Infrastructural Development (West) on 30th December 2024.  A copy of the approval was forwarded to Mr. Goetsch.
      • Decision. The Portfolio holder Infrastructure will monitor the process accordingly.
    • Defective Street Lights As of late 2024, Ndlambe Municipality was still awaiting the necessary parts for the streetlights.  On Friday, 30th January 2025, the Chairperson engaged with the relevant municipal official, who confirmed that an update would be provided as soon as the necessary parts arrived.
      • Decision. The Chairperson will continue to monitor the procurement progress made of the outstanding spares for the streetlights.
    • Community Hall.
      • Lease Agreement. The importance of finalising the lease agreement, an ongoing item, was discussed.
        • Decision. The Chairperson is awaiting feedback from the Director Co-oporate Services from the Municipality regarding the lease agreement.
      • Maintenance Community Hall. A quotation has been received from PQN Project Management to repair the Barge / Facia Boards at the Community Hall.  The Committee unanimously agreed that this needed to be done.  The quotation regarding the “Small Roof on the Western side”, was not approved.
        • Decision. The quotation dated 5th November 2024 by PQN Project Management & Maintenance was accepted.  A deposit will be paid to the service provider for supplies.
      • Monthly Fees. The Portfolio Holder highlighted the importance of increasing the monthly fees and restructuring the fee process, emphasising the need to update the existing lease agreement or a similar arrangement for service providers and companies using the Community Hall and its facilities.
      • Water Usage Increase. Standard water usage at the Community Hall is approximately two (2) kilolitres over a three-month period.  However, during December alone, usage increased to five (5) kilolitres.  A similar increase was experienced during the 2023/2024 December period.  This is understandable given the higher demand over the busy festive season and may need to be considered when restructuring the hall tariffs.
      • Decision. The Chairperson and The Portfolio Holder to discuss the new tariffs for the Community Hall, taking into account points 12.5.3 and 12.5.4 above.



  1. Fire Fighting and Precaution.
    • Update of Fire Precaution Notice. The Portfolio Holder Fire Fighting and Precaution has revised the Cannon Rocks Fire Precaution Notice, updating it with the latest emergency contact numbers to ensure the document is as accurate and current as possible.  Once finalised, the notice will be printed and posted on the the website for easy access.  Additionally, the updated information will be shared through the community information group to make it readily accessible to all residents.  This approach ensures that essential information is available immediately.
      • Decision. Once the Fire Precaution Notice has been finalised, it will be distributed to residents.
  1. Communication and Community Support. Nothing to report.
  2. Security and Safety. No feedback due to the absence of the Portfolio Holder.
    • Road and Street Signs. The Committee will discuss the allocation of signage and maintenance thereof, with further deliberation to take place once the Portfolio Holders have been appointed.
      • Decision. Refer to point 27.1 below.
    • National Vehicle Intelligence Cloud System. The National Vehicle Intelligence Cloud (NAVIC) system is nearing full operational capacity, with its implementation almost complete.  During the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM), it was decided to grant initial permission to subscribe to this system for one year.  After this period, the decision to continue the subscription will be reviewed based on its relevance and cost-effectiveness.
      • Decision. The committee will review the decision to continue the subscription for the NAVIC System at the committee meeting in October 2025.
    • Community Alert. It was reported that a person well known to many Cannon Rocks residents for entering private homes without permission has been seen loitering in the area.  Residents are urged to take this security concern seriously.  Hi-Tec Security is aware of the individual.  Please remain vigilant, be mindful of your surroundings and ensure that doors are not left open and unattended.  Report any uninvited or suspicious individuals on your property to Hi-Tec Security or the SAPS in Alexandria at 046 653 0015.  If hiring workers for your property, exercise caution and ensure they are trustworthy by checking references from previous employment.
      • Decision. An alert to the community to be addressed in the February Newsletter.
  1. Ward 1 Liaison.
    • The date of the next Ward 1 Meeting is not available yet.
    • Review of Portfolio Holder Functions. Following a decision by the Ndlambe Municipal Council regarding the restructuring of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) to address key issues, a review of the portfolios related to Ward 1, as well as Local Government and Development, is required. This review aims to ensure alignment with the IDP and to assess whether any adjustments are necessary to enhance effectiveness and cohesion.
      • Decision. Refer to point 27.1 below.
  1. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.


  1. Environment.
    • Abalone Poaching. The Portfolio Holder reported that there has been significant attention surrounding the issue of abalone poaching, particularly in relation to the activities of the Perlemoen poachers.
      • Decision. Perlemoen poaching was noted with concern.
    • Woody Cape and SANParks Honorary Rangers. In the absence of the Portfolio Holder Security, the Portfolio Holder Environment undertook to follow-up the management and recruiting process for Honorary Rangers.
      • Decision. The Portfolio Holder Environment to follow up the management and recruiting process for Honorary Rangers and report at the next meeting.
    • Domestic Refuse Removal. During a meeting on 6th December 2024, attended by the Director of Community Protection Services, the Chairperson, and the Portfolio Holder for Communication, the Director stated that domestic refuse removal in Cannon Rocks and Boknes would be investigated.  Following a letter from the Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association dated 7th January 2025, a follow-up meeting was scheduled for 15th January 2025 between the Director of Community Protection Services, the Chairperson of the Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association, and the Portfolio Holder for Communication. During this meeting, the Director proposed that Ndlambe Municipality provide a domestic refuse removal truck equipped with a compactor to transport waste directly to the refuse site in Alexandria. This solution would eliminate the need for the transfer site adjacent to the Cannon Rocks Cabins, allowing for its closure.
      • Following productive discussions, the attendees agreed on the following resolutions.
      • The domestic refuse will be removed weekly by a dedicated domestic refuse removal truck capable of compressing the refuse and transporting it directly to a Municipal refuse site.
      • The domestic refuse site on Galjoen Street will be permanently closed with effect from March 2025.
      • The existing plastic drums at the five entrances to the beach, used for the collection of litter and debris from the beach area, will continue to be emptied weekly by municipal workers.
      • The situation regarding the green refuse drums along Alice Road will be monitored, with the possibility of their gradual removal.
    • Following productive discussions, the attendees agreed on the following resolutions.
      • A municipal notice will be distributed to inform residents of the new domestic refuse removal process and the closure of the transfer site on Galjoen Street, and
      • The Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association will inform residents of Cannon Rocks about the revised method of domestic refuse removal.
    • A Municipal Notice (concept) was drafted and forwarded to the Director Community Protection Services on 17 January 2025.
  2. Advertising. The Portfolio Holder reported that a notification was sent to all relevant service providers regarding their annual payments. Coastline Collection and Pam Golding Properties paid immediately, with the remaining advertisers following soon thereafter. Currently, three (3) advertising spaces remain available for service providers interested in showcasing their advertisements for 2025.
    • Decision. The Portfolio Holder will be updating the Advertising Contract and submitting to the Committee for further input.


  1. Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of January 2025 was noted with approval.
  2. Membership. Approximately 50% of members have paid so far for the 2025 period.
  3. Revenue.
  4. Expenditure.
    • R275,00 for cleaning of the hall.
    • R10,000.00 deposit for maintenance at the hall.


  1. A letter of condolence to the Human family.


  1. Correspondence Received.
    • E Mail from Mr. Peter Roux dated 22 Nov 2024 (new street lights).
    • E Mail from Dep. Infrastructural Development (approval of street light in Beach Road).
    • E Mail from Chairperson of Pool Players dated 6 Jan 2025.
    • E Mail from Jon Goetsch dated 21 Dec 2024.
    • E Mail from Liz Watkins dated 28 Dec 2024
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • Letter dated 5 Jan 2025 to Human family (Condolences).
    • Letter dated 7 Jan 2025 to Dir Community Protection Services (Environmental Pollution).
    • E Mail dated 17 Jan 2025 to – Dir Community Protection Services (concept Municipal Notice).


  1. Portfolio Holder Functions. The Chairperson noted that the Portfolio Holder designations are outdated and changes to the wards are imminent.  As the IDP undergoes revisions and external decisions are made, it will be necessary to update the existing portfolios accordingly.
    • Decision. The Committee will convene as a working group to discuss the reallocation and organisation of the Portfolio Holders’.  It was agreed that the working group meeting will be held on Tuesday, 18th February 2025, at 8:00 AM.
  2. E Mail from Pool Club. An email dated 6th January 2025 was received from the Chairperson of the Pool Club, raising a complaint about the repeated movement of the center pool table during the Art Exhibition in December 2024
    • Decision. The Chairperson will respond to the Pool Club in writing pertaining the revised procedure during casual renting of the Community Hall.
  3. E Mail from Jon Goetsch. An e-mail was received from Mr. Jon Goetsch addressing various items.
    • Decision. The content of the e-mail was noted.
  4. Access to Beach – E Mail from Ms. Liz Watkins. Following the AGM on 19th December 2024 Ms. Liz Watkins approached the Chairman regarding the pathway to the sea and the sand dunes encroaching on Sea Road, Cannon Rocks.  During a site visit on 28 December 2024, it was agreed that Ms. Watkins would provide a summary of the history and previous agreements made with the Ndlambe Municipality, along with proposals to mitigate the sand encroachment on Sea Road.  A draft report  was received from Ms. Liz Watkins on 30 December 2024.  In response to further enquiries, an update report was received on 14 January 2025.
    • Decision. The Committee supports the above request and The Chairperson will draft a letter to the Director Community Protection Services at Ndlambe Municipality and attach the above proposal.
  5. Resignation – Ron Mackenzie. A letter of resignation dated 3rd February 2025 by Ron Makenzie was received and tabled.
    • Decision. The Chairperson to draft a letter of appreciation to Mr. Ron Mackenzie.
  6. Communication to Members-Annual Membership Fees. Many households have already paid their annual CRRA membership fee of R150.00, which is greatly appreciated. However, some payments intended for the CRRA have been mistakenly made to the Social Club instead. To avoid confusion, please remember that the CRRA and the Social Club are separate entities with distinct bank accounts, and their membership fees must be paid separately.
  7. Decision. The confusion of incorrect membership payments designated for the Social Club to be addressed in the February Newsletter.
  8. The Play Area at The Community Hall. Significant time and effort were dedicated to the development of the play area at the Community Hall and it is crucial that this play area be maintained for the benefit of the community.
    • Decision. The management and upkeep of the play area will be addressed during the upcoming working group meeting, where the Committee will also discuss the reallocation of responsibilities among the new Portfolio Holders.  Refer to point 27.1 above.
  9. Projects for 2025. The Committee recognised the importance of holding a dedicated meeting to thoroughly discuss and plan for the upcoming 2025 period, ensuring that all projects are aligned with our objectives and resources.
    • Decision. It was unanimously agreed that a meeting will be scheduled to focus specifically on identifying and planning projects for the 2025-year period, with the aim of ensuring a clear and actionable strategy and allocation of funds for the year ahead.


  1. Community Alert.
  2. Communication to Members-Annual Membership Fees.
  3. Refuse removal on a Monday.
  4. Available Advertising Spaces.



  1. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th March 2025 at 10am.


The Chairperson closed the meeting at 11:52am.