Cannon Rocks Community Hall
On 4 May 2023 at 14h00
- The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.
- Present.
Mr. Bert Venter Chairperson
Ms. Barbara Beckmann
Mr. Philip du Plessis
Ms. Michelle Hayes
Mr. Paul Strutt
Ms. Tracey Bull
Ms. Alta Kotze
Ms. Adéle du Plessis Acting Secretary
- Apologies.
Mr. Barry Fourie
- Absent without Apology. None
- Refer to Additional items below.
- Approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 13 April 2023 proposed by Ms. Michelle Hayes and seconded by Mr. Paul Strutt. Minutes to be made available on the Website.
- Illegal Squatting. The Honorable Judge Bloem granted an Eviction Order against the illegal occupiers of the Municipal property situated at the Boknes Garden Transfer Refuse Terrain in The High Court Makhanda on 25 March 2023. The illegal occupiers shall vacate the property on or before 31st May 2023, failing which, the Sheriff for the area within which the property is situated be authorized to evict the illegal occupiers. A copy of the Eviction Order is available from the CRRA Chairman on request.
- Parking Areas: Environmental Monitor Control Committee. Nothing to report.
- Cannon Rocks/Boknes Combined Meeting. Stand over.
- Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum. A meeting is scheduled for 5 May 2023 with the Municipal Financial Officer and staff to discuss the 2023/2024 municipal budget.
- Project; Entrance to Cannon Rocks. The upgrade of the entrance to Cannon Rocks by Phillip du Plessis, Adele du Plessis, Mark Purdon and staff and Kobus Kruger is completed. Committee members expressed their appreciation for the work done.
- Decision. A letter of appreciation to be forwarded to Mark Purdon and Kobus Kruger for their time and contribution towards the project.
- Maintenance and Infrastructure.
- Infrastructure Maintenance Plan.
- The portfolio holder reported that various items of the infrastructure maintenance plan which should have been completed by the end of April 2023, are not finalized due to shortage of material and non-availability of earth moving equipment. The verges were cut and, except for one area, overgrown bushes were trimmed/cut. Residents are requested to contact the portfolio holder for any short comings. The base level at three areas in Cannon Rocks still have to be raised and stabilized with a mix of G5 material and cement.
- A list of defective streetlights in Cannon Rocks to be forwarded to the Director Infrastructural Development.
- The Tennis Club expressed their appreciation for the trim/cut of overgrown bushes at the tennis courts.
- Play Park. Safety maintenance was done at the play park at the Community Hall.
- Community Hall Building.
- The purchase of a generator funding by Ladies Club, is postponed until further notice.
- However, the purchase and installation of a electrical change over selector switch to proceed, is confirmed once again.
- Community Hall Plan. Updated building plans for the Community Hall were submitted to the municipal planning section. Portfolio holder to monitor progress and give regular feedback to the committee.
- Infrastructure Maintenance Plan.
- Fire Fighting and Precaution. Nothing to report.
- Communication and Community Support. Nothing to report.
- Security and Safety.
- Traffic Signage. Phillip du Plessis to follow up the availability of the traffic signage as agreed upon, with the Deputy Traffic Chief.
- Portfolio Holder Infrastructure, the Chairman and Phillip du Plessis to decide on the positioning of speedhumps in Potgieter Street.
- Ward 1 Liaison. A Ward 1 meeting was scheduled for 4 May 2023. However, Paul Strutt reported that meeting was postponed due to insufficient attendance
- Local Government and Development. Nothing to report
- Environment.
- Awareness Notice Board. Concerns were raised that the proposed information on the notice board is too busy. The general appearance to be attractive and direct, not more than ± four/five items should be displayed on the board. Portfolio holder to forward and present a draft notice board within the above guidelines to members for comment.
- Garden Refuse Transfer Site. A Garden Refuse Transfer Site meeting is scheduled for 5 May 2023.
- Advertising.
- Final notices to be sent out to outstanding account holders.
- Empty spaces will be re advertised.
- Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of April 2023 was noted with approval.
- Expenditure. The following expenditure was approved
- R5 000.00 for the upgrade of the entrance to Cannon Rocks project.
- R2 000.00 for the purchase and installation of the electrical change over switch.
- R195,00 for printing copies of building plans.
- R65,00 for printing of a map of Cannon Rocks.
- Correspondence Received.
- E Mail – Prof Grossman dated 26 April 2023.
- E Mail – Me. Verona Veltman dated 1 May 2023
- Correspondence Sent.
- Two letters dated 18 April 2023 to the Dep. Director Infrastructural Development re supervision at the water delivery point in Cannon Rocks.
- Letter dated 18 April 2023 to the Director Community Protection Services re illegal dumping of building material.
- Mayoral IDP/Budget Roadshow. The chairman reported that he attended the Mayoral IDP and Budget Roadshow on 25 April 2023 at Boknes Hall. Feedback was provided on items as well as the progress made. During questions by residents, the following were raised.
- Only three days of notice for such an important meeting resulted in very poor attendance.
- The IDP/Budget process indicate that interaction between residents and municipal officials should be during November each year. Therefore, it is too late in the process to evaluate new requests for inclusion in the budget.
- Various items reflected in content of the report for Ward 1, were questioned.
- Enquiries regarding declaring of private interests by municipal officials and the control and management to ensure that such interests is not attended to during normal working hours.
- Enquiries were also raised regarding the facilities and infrastructure at Boknes beach.
- The Mayor instructed that a meeting between municipal officials and both ratepayers associations of Boknes and Cannon Rocks to be scheduled as soon as possible to discuss the feedback provided and inputs to the IDP.
- Except for the Director Community Protection Services, no other municipal officials attended the follow-up meeting on 5 May 2023. In the absence of municipal officials, the committee members present decided to continue and document their concerns and inputs. These concerns and inputs to be forwarded to the municipal IDP Office under the signature of both the chairmen of Cannon Rocks and Boknes Ratepayers Associations.
- E Mail: Prof Grossman. An e-mail dated 26 April 2023 was received from Prof. Grossman.
- Decision. Chairman to provide feedback to Prof Grossman in writing.
- E-Mail: Me Veltman. In the e-mail dated 1 May 2023 from Me. Veltman, concerns were raised regarding humanitarian related shortfalls in Marselle. CRRA committee members is of the opinion that this concern is beyond the responsibility or area of influence of CRRA and recommended that it be addressed to the relevant Ward Councilor and Boesmansrivier’s Ratepayers Association. Other water related concerns were already addressed by the committee.
- Decision. Chairman to provide feedback to Me. Verona Veltman in writing.
- The following items to be addressed in the April Newsletter.
- Illegal Squatting.
- Entrance to Cannon Rocks project.
- Mayoral IDP/Budget Roadshow.
- Infrastructure Maintenance.
- The next monthly will be held on 6 June 2023.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 15h15