ON 3rd September 2024 AT 10H00


  1. The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.


  1. Present.

Mr. Bert Venter                          Chairperson

Ms. Michelle Hayes

Ms. Barbara Beckmann

Mr. Paul Strutt

Ms. Adéle du Plessis

Ms. Tracey Bull

Ms. Alta Kotze

Mr. Willem Zietsman

Ms. Helen Mackenzie                 Secretary

  1. Apologies.

Mr. Ron Mackenzie


  1. Absent without Apology.



  1. Strand Braai.
  2. Fun Run.
  3. Cannon Preservation.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 6th August 2024 proposed by Ms. Adéle du Plessis and seconded by Ms. Alta Kotze. Minutes to be made available on the Website and distributed to members.


  1. Ndlambe Coastal MMP. Nothing to report.
  2. Ndlambe Ratepayers Association (NRF). Nothing to report.
    • Storage of Rocks and Timber: Alice Road 152a. Feedback has been received from the Bylaw Officer, who is currently monitoring the situation regarding the stones placed on the verge at 152a Alice Road.  The Bylaw Officer has confirmed that the property owner has agreed to remove the stones from the municipal verge by 18 September 2025.  However, the timber may remain on the property.  If the timber is removed voluntarily, that would be an ideal resolution.

10.1.1.        Decision.  The Chairperson will continue to monitor the situation and report back if necessary.


  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure.
    • Maintenance of Street Lights. Except for the two street lights with fittings at 146/143 Futter Street (Erf No. 196/17a) and 146 Alice Road (Erf No. 190), all defective street lights that were reported have been repaired.
    • New Street light. The request for the installation of a new streetlight next to the Eskom kiosk between 213 Alice Road (Erf No. 9) and 215 Alice Road (Erf No. 12), as referenced in Cannon Rocks letter AV/15/2023 dated 18 May 2023, remains outstanding.
      • Decision. The Portfolio Holder for Maintenance and Infrastructure is to conduct a survey throughout Cannon Rocks and list all defective street lights in the Cannon Rocks Streetlight Report.
    • Community Hall. A quotation of R2,506.40 was received from the service provider NSF Structura, represented by Nicolas Ferreira, for the repair of the barge boards and the installation of a new rafter.
      • Decision. The quotation for the work stipulated on the quote, is approved.  Work is needed with immediate effect.
    • Entrance to Community Hall. It was discussed that the front entrance and the community hall as a whole require attention regarding painting.  A comprehensive quotation with a line-item breakdown should be obtained.  This will allow for an informed decision to be made and enable the work to be divided into stages.
      • Decision. The Portfolio Holder Maintenance and Infrastructure and The Secretary will seek quotations to paint the entrance to the Community Hall as well as the barge boards on the roof of the hall.
  1. Fire Fighting and Precaution.
    • The Portfolio Holder met with Mr. Tinus Smit (Boknes Ratepayers Association) for a productive discussion. Boknes and Cannon Rocks will collaborate on fire safety measures.
    • Emergency Fire Trailer.
      • It was mentioned that firefighting and fire prevention are the primary responsibilities of the Ndlambe Municipality. During previous discussions with the Ndlambe Fire Chief, it was agreed that in the event of a fire in Cannon Rocks or Boknes, community members from these two villages will attempt to fight the fire until the municipal fire brigade arrives on the scene and takes over responsibility.
      • The municipal emergency fire trailer was originally repaired and upgraded by the CRRA and equipped with fire hoses by the Ndlambe Municipal Fire Section to bring it to operational status. Due to poor municipal supervision, it was transferred to Boknes, where secure lock-up facilities were available.  The Boknes Ratepayers also conducted maintenance on the trailer to ensure it remained operational.  However, it has been noted that the existing fire hoses are no longer functional due to deterioration; they no longer lock onto a fire hydrant.  It was suggested that four fire hoses be kept in Cannon Rocks, with CRRA contributing to the purchase of two additional hoses to be kept in Boknes.  It was also proposed that four hoses be distributed and stored in two locations within Cannon Rocks, to be available in case of emergencies.
      • Decision. The Chairperson will discuss the replacement of fire hoses and supporting equipment for the emergency fire trailer with the Ndlambe Municipal Fire Chief.  In the meantime, quotations for the replacement hoses will be obtained.
    • Fire Safety Protocols. It is crucial to adhere to established protocols to ensure safety.  A dedicated “fire group” will be formed to manage information and procedural protocols, along with a contact list of key individuals.
      • Decision. The Portfolio Holder for Fire Fighting and Precaution is to update the Cannon Rocks Fire Precaution Notice. Refer to paragraph 17.3 of the Minutes dated 3 October 2023.
    • Fire Break Maintenance. The fire break on the eastern border between Addo National Park and the Cannon Rocks residential area needs to be cleared again.  A letter dated 19 May 2024 was sent to the Section Ranger, Woody Cape, requesting that this area be cleared.  The Portfolio Holder is in communication with the relevant stakeholders to address this.
      • Decision. The Portfolio Holder for Fire Fighting and Precaution will follow up on the outcome of the CRRA letter dated 19 May 2024, addressed to the Section Ranger, Woody Cape.
    • Fire Extinguisher Renewal. Fire extinguishers are due for renewal, and the Portfolio Holder will ensure that they are inspected and certified.
  2. Communication and Community Support. The Portfolio Holder emphasised the importance of using CRRA’s committee communication group in a constructive and positive manner.  It is crucial that all members take the time to read and familiarise themselves with the relevant information shared within the group.  This will help ensure that everyone remains well-informed about ongoing matters.
  3. The CRRA Info Group was established to share relevant and timely information with CRRA members. This platform should be utilised to its full potential by ensuring that members receive regular updates.  It is important that all messages are posted in a professional manner and not simply forwarded or presented as screenshots, as forwarding can make the information appear second-hand or less credible.
  4. By communicating clearly and directly, the quality and reliability of the information shared within the group can be maintained.
    • Decision.
      • Committee members are to comply with the Administrative Modus Operandi of the Cannon Rocks Info Group, dated 3 May 2022.
      • All relevant information will be sent to the Portfolio Holder Communication and Community Support to post timeously and handle accordingly and post on the relevant CRRA Info Group.
  1. Security and Safety.
    • Traffic Signage. A list of outstanding traffic signage was sent to the Traffic Chief, Ms. Theressa Jacobs, who will be placing an order for the new signs and in turn, will contact the Chairperson by the end of the month with an update.  In the meantime, any signs currently in stock will be handed over to Michael, who will deliver and transport them to Cannon Rocks.  The Portfolio Holder will then ensure that the signs are installed in the appropriate locations.

16.1.1         Decision.  The Portfolio Holder for Safety and Security is to ensure that the traffic signs issued by the traffic department are received and delivered.

  1. Ward 1 Liaison. Nothing to report.
  2. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
  3. Environment.
    • Beach Signage. The Portfolio Holder has had numerous discussions and spent several hours following up to obtain approval to erect a ‘no fishing’ sign on the beach.  Unfortunately, municipal officials are not prepared to provide written approval for this sign.  Following discussions, it was agreed that the Ndlambe Municipality be requested to allow the ‘no fishing’ sign to be erected on municipal property at the entrance to the beach.
      • Decision. The Portfolio Holder for Environment will liaise with the Chairperson to apply for approval to install a ‘no fishing’ sign at the entrance to the swimming beach.
    • Bag Collection Points at the Beach.
      • Following the innovative idea from The Eco Estate and a suggestion from a loyal CRRA rate paying member, the following concept was tabled for discussion.
      • The concept involves using recycled bags made from various materials, complemented by an aesthetically pleasing wooden structure with informative signage. This initiative aims to help both locals and visitors collect plastic and rubbish from the beach areas and dispose of it in the designated bins located at various points along the beachfront.  The concept has been warmly received.
      • A suggestion to combine the plastic and rubbish collection initiative with the ‘no fishing’ sign was discussed (see paragraph 19.1 above).
      • Decision.
        • The Portfolio Holder for Environment and the Secretary will collaborate on a design that integrates the ‘no swimming’ sign with the ‘bag collection’ point for discussion and approval.
        • Once approved, a letter will be sent to request the installation of a combined ‘no fishing’ and ‘bag collection’ sign at the entrances to the beach.
      • Feedback on Cannon Treatment. Following comments by Prof. Grossman an e-mail dated 23 August 2024 was received from Ms. Jennie Bennie, a Consultant Historian/Maritime Archaeologist, who forwarded the enquiry to Ms. Heather Stewart.
      • It is important to note that the most appropriate treatment for the cannon can be difficult to determine without examining the object directly, as photographs have limitations. Treatments often need to be adjusted as new information emerges, and safety guidelines must be followed due to the potentially hazardous tools and substances involved.
      • One major concern is that treatments could potentially cause or worsen damage. In a museum setting, the risk is minimised by the conservator’s expertise and access to suitable facilities.  For the iron cannon balls, the primary issue is the chlorides within the iron, which accelerate corrosion.  The outer layers of cast iron often become a graphite skeleton, with the original metal inside.  Chlorides cause expansive corrosion, leading to spalling.  Unfortunately, without using methods like electrolysis or alkaline washes, it’s challenging to address this fully.  Chlorides can persist even after treatment.
        • Decision. The Secretary to contact the relevant authorities regarding the process the CRRA wishes to use and if this would be acceptable before proceeding with the quotation received from Mr. Martin Muller.

Note.  Subsequent to the meeting, an email dated 6 September 2024 was received from Ms. Jennie Bennie, a Consultant Historian/Maritime Archaeologist, who agrees that the CRRA committee may use the recommended product to preserve the cannons.

  1. Advertising. Congratulations to the Portfolio Holder.  For the first time in many years, a full advertising board has been successfully installed at the entrance to Cannon Rocks and Boknes.  This achievement marks a significant milestone in our efforts to enhance local visibility and communication.





  1. Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of August 2024 was noted with approval.
  2. Beach Clean-up Donation. After the success of the beach clean-up, Roes contributed R340.00 from the breakfast that they kindly hosted at the restaurant.
  3. Decision. The Chairperson to send a letter of appreciation to the owners of Roes for the donation received.
  4. Sanitary Services Billing Correction. The Ndlambe Municipality mistakenly charged the Community Hall for sanitary services due to confusion between the erf and street numbers.  The Municipality has rectified the error by issuing a refund and reversing the charge.
    • Decision. For information.
  5. Revenue.
    • Expenditure. Quotation approved from NSF Structura for the The Community Hall. Amount payable R2,506.40.


  1. Letter of condolence to Jenny Steyn on the passing of her husband.


  1. Correspondence Received.
    • E Mail dated 22 August 2024 from Mrs. H. Stuard.
    • E Mail dated 23 August 2024 from Mrs. J. Bennie.
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • Letter dated 9 Aug 2024 to Muller family (Condolence).
    • Letter dated 10 Aug 2024 to Loubser family (Condolence).


  1. Fun Run. The Fun Run was discussed and will be finalised in due course.
  2. Straat Braai. A proposal has been made to organise a Straat Braai, which would involve closing Alice Road between Alice Road 160 and Alice Road 164.  The Social Club will be responsible for creating and distributing advertisements for the event. Salads will be prepared, fires will be lit, and the gathering will take place on Alice Road.  The potential date for the event is yet to be confirmed. The Committee and the Social Club will work closely on this initiative.
    • Decision. The Social club to obtain authorisation to close Alice Road between Alice Road no 160 and 164 for approximately two hours.
  3. Boknes and Cannon Rocks Collaboration. The collaboration between Cannon Rocks and Boknes regarding the Boknes Woody Cape Cycle Race and Cannon Rocks Fun Run was discussed.  It was proposed making this an annual event, featuring vendors, music, sponsors, wine and gin tasting and quality coffee.  This event has the potential to become a well-known and highly supported occasion.  By using social media throughout the year, we can ensure comprehensive coverage and effective marketing, with the ultimate goal of establishing it as a major event in December.  Combining the two villages’ efforts will avoid the need for both to approach the same sponsors for support and prizes, allowing for better rewards and greater exposure for both communities.  This event could be organised in conjunction with the social club and serve as the main social highlight of each calendar year.
    • Decision.  The initiative to approach Boknes Ratepayers Association to discuss the possibility for a collaboration between Cannon Rocks and Boknes regarding the Boknes Woody Cape Cycle Race and Cannon Rocks Fun Run, was supported.
  4. Overhead Projector Screen. A proposal to purchase an overhead projector screen has been approved.  The budget for this purchase is set between R3,000.00 and R4,000.00.


  1. Straat Braai.
  2. Presevation of the Cannons.
  3. SA National Parks Week – 9-13th September 2024: Special Offer.


  1. The next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, 1st October 2024.


The Chairperson closed the meeting at 12.40am.