From Extreme to Classic

p-l1227Last Week- End saw the culmination of months of work into the Extreme Fun Games which was held in San Teodoro, Sardinia.

It was a rather grand task to make the event a success with uphill bureaucratic tangles and delays. However we (the committee) prevailed. Unfortunately the wind did not.

So it was a lot of SUP races and very little kiteboarding/ Windsurfing.
But Everyone had fun and that is what counts in the end.

Worked with a really amazing team and as usual used as a massive learning curve.

However, no time to linger as the next big thing is the Cannon Rocks Kiteboarding Classic which is taking place from the 6th to the 8th of October (yes that is next Week-End)

So after a boat, a plane, a train I am back in South Africa and will be stepping up on stage again and making the magic happen. Hopefully Cannon Rocks will deliver the conditions!

Thanks again to all the Sardinians who made me feel welcomed. It is a beautiful place (just avoid August) worth a visit.

Over the summer I didn’t kite as much as I would have wanted and definitely used bigger kites than I am used to. 15m often did the trick. Got a few fun sessions on the Peter Lynn Escape V5, some in totally off shore winds with amazing flat water. Thanks to Wetdreams kite school rescue keeping an eye on the proceedings. Some fun loops in a secret spot and a nice old school session at la caletta.

Crowds on the beach are always a problem over the summer months in Italy, so it was a lot of tiptoeing around oversensitive sun cancer searching flapjacks intent on doing a little swim and having a little pee in the flatest section of water. Alas beach goers are still not educated about Kiteboarding… And some kiteboarders lack communication skills and manners. Makes for an explosive mix!
But if the wind blew the people did disappear.

I leave you with some shots from the Sardinian Summer, and as always thanking the photographers (Tania Romagnoli, Robby Fontanesi and pro: Pascal Lacroix)