New Toys

Last Week I was lucky enough to receive a few new Toys, a new Underground Twintip.

The Styx 132 x 39.

Setting up the Styx 132

After only two sessions, I’m absolutly loving the board. Great flex, and pop. Also the channels on the bottom give the board awesome grip. Also digging the comfortable foot straps.

Here is a few pics of the board in action.

I have recently joined the Underground team and am looking forward to shooting some more pics for them. Great to be part of a company that is producing such outstanding boards.

You’ll notice on the pics, I’m riding with a Sultan Underwave harness that was sent to me by squadron kiteboarding  Found the harness really comfortable both in waves and in freestyle. Squadron is supporting me with accessories, check out their online shop…

Here some pics in some waves in stormy conditions with the sultan:

Thanks to Christopher Rössler for the pics

Till next time





4 thoughts on “New Toys”

  1. Salut Ced,
    Merci pour cette première leçon de Kite a Cannon Rock et ce petit concert au Homewood.
    En esperant que le vent permette d’aller sur l’eau la prochaine fois 😉
    Enjoy tes passions.
    A un de ces quatre, ici ou ailleurs.

  2. Salut Benoit
    J’espere que la prochaine fois, le vent sera plus gentil!
    Fais moi savoir si tu es dans les parages un peut a l’avance… Et j’organise.
    A bientôt

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