It is not something I recommend you do, kiting on your own. However, over the years, I had to learn to due to the remote spots I frequent.
And then again some of those sessions are the most memorable, wether for the conditions or the close encounter with marine life.
So here is a video of two such sessions shot with a Go pro mouth mount and line mount thanks to Xtremexccessories. The kites used are a 6m and 7m Swell v2 from Peter Lynn Kiteboarding. I really enjoy the manoeuvrability of those kites with the right balance between drift and turning response.
Once you put the AXIS kiteboarding Kapua 6’0 truster into proper waves it just comes alive and is just one awesome ride.
Only downside to those sessions is that i should have worn a shorty suit. Those Underwave suits keep me too warm for our end of summer 😉
There is a sense of peace when riding out there on your own. Where everything becomes quiet in your head, where you just become one with the elements and your surroundings.