Been in Cape Town for a few weeks now. The Cape Doctor is starting to blow, but it is also Whale season.
Have had awesome sessions with whales on the peninsula (Cape of good hope)
It took some getting used to coming from the warm waters of Europe and China to the cold waters of the Cape. But the beauty of some of these spots is unequaled.
I’m busy shooting some material with my new Go Pro cam and hope to do a little edit soon. In the meantime, I’m lifting a few stills from the clips.
As you can see the water colours are insane.
End of November, I’ll be heading up the east coast for some serious kiting. I hope to have a lot more footage coming out over the summer.
After 7 weeks of landlocked hell in Johannesburg with the sounds of Vuvuzela’s as a backdrop to the bitter cold winter… Fuerte Ventura sounded like Heaven. And it has been. Sure there are a few too many kites in the water, and the italians seem to have invaded the island… But the water is warm, the sun is shinning, the wind is blowing, and the woman are beautiful.
Been fun Catching up with Gunnar who is now riding for Flysurfer. I have been lucky with wind so far 4 days solid. between 15 and 20 knots side shore with relatively flat water.
During my 7 week forced break I tried to stay fit by going to gym. BORING. But besides being boring, it also seemed to have done just about nothing! my body has suffered through the minimum 4 hours of kiting everyday, and lactic acid is my friend.
I also found some moves to be a little rusty… So at first I stuck to old tricks
Old Tricks
But after 4 days, I’m ready to start busting out some newer moves.
The water conditions have been great even if it does get a tad crowded. Today, I had to get out of the water for a while as it had become like an obstacle course and any trick atempt would have been suicidal.
But I’m not complaining.
Flag beach is a great beach to hang out at. Friendly people and it even has a kiosk on the beach which has the Italians lining up for espressos.
As usual plenty of interest in my “Different” kites.
The Flag beach centre is a great place to hang out. Everyone is friendly and helps out.
So I can’t tell you about any other spots at the moment. Unfortunately my short stay needs to have a maximum time on the water, cause after this it’s Italia. And there the wind is scarce and the beaches are like a mall on a saturday…
So I’m really making the most of the time that I have got.
The night life has been entertaining to say the least… somehow my guitar has come in handy! But for this blog, I’ll stick to kiting.
I hope to be able to come back and stay longer next time, perhaps not over August, but earlier in the season. To really improve my flat water riding, and enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the island. Thanks Gunnar for putting me up. One more day and it will be time to ramble on… Italia next but with a smile on my dial.
PS oh yes, I left the south of the Island to the PKRA boys…
What a season we’ve had! Â We’ve had downwinds, upwinds, waves, freestyle, dolphins, Â all this in warm water.
Cannon Rocks Kiting adventure school was kept busy over the Holiday period. But once the holidays ended we got the beach back to ourselves and plenty of time to bust some moves…
With Michelle training hard for her next comp, I keep everyone entertained trying to keep up with her… Have had some spectacular wipe outs.
CrunchMichelle showing offAbout to eat it again
Have been riding the new Chargers flat out all summer. Have found it a really fun kite to loop. Even the 15! The loops are getting higher… Here is a little clip of some of the footage I have:
Also have an onboard cam, but have been battling to get decent footage out of it.The evening temperature is showing signs of change, and the days are getting shorter. But at this rate a little break might be a good thing. Time to do some maintenance and for the body to recover.