In a moment, Summer turned to winter on the east coast of South Africa. So here is a video featuring very different conditions but not so far apart in the linear context of time.
On two occasions I met up with Steff Begere from Swing Kiteboarding. He has become a fan of the Peter Lynn range of Kites and was keen on both occasions to demo the new models. So we met up on the beach, first in Port Elizabeth where we had a fun wave riding session and then on a colder gustier Cannon Rocks where pulling kite loops is testament to the ability of the Peter Lynn Kiteboarding “Swell” V2 to perform even under trying conditions.
I hope you enjoy the video even though some of the footage is rough and tumble.
A year and a half ago, I suffered a trauma to my lower rib cage due to a megaloop gone wrong. The Harness was violently pulled up while I was being pulled down by water drag.
The result is a permanent inclination of the rib resulting in cartilage scar tissue protruding on the lower part of my rib cage. It took 6 weeks before I was comfortable on the water again with a seat harness.
I have since discovered that this is a fairly common injury amongst kiters wearing waist harnesses. But not always caused by the harness. (bar, water impact, Beach…)
Avoiding the injury:
It is likely that wearing a proper Impact vest would have avoided the injury even though the forces involved were substantial. With regards to impact vests, one needs to find a product that covers that lower rib area. Not all impact vests do. It will protect from water and bar impact too.
You could argue that in general one should rather wear a seat harness, but that in itself does not absolve you from potential injuries, and for some things a waist harness is more enjoyable. In my experience they both have their advantages.
For me, A seat harness is more comfortable for:
Long sessions
Super powered sessions
Pics courtesy of Melissa Smith
Waist harness on the other hand I prefer
Board offs
Pics courtesy of Andrew Miller
So my dilemma was how was I going to wear a Waist harness again with this permanent fixture on my chest.
The answer was to try different model waist harnesses until I found one that didn’t apply pressure directly on that area.
The one that worked for me was a Dakine Renegade waist, so I’m back to hitting the waves with that free feeling the waist harness gives you. I was really happy to find an option that worked for me as I was staring at “No more waist harnesses”
However for long sessions, or when planning to ride super powered I slip into my Dakine Nitrous seat harness.
Hope you find your solution…
Thanks for the pics Melissa Smith and Andrew Miller
Ewan and I have one thing in common, We both ride Underground boards. So when he contacted me and said he was dropping in for a visit, I looked forward to introducing him to Cannon Rocks. And Cannon Rocks delivered… 4 day visit, 4 days of wind. It wasn’t the best conditions ever with unusually gusty winds (Probably an aftermath of all the rains we have had lately) but still some rideable conditions. Strong for sure.
Ewan has concentrated his riding skills into the art of strapless wave riding and was great inspiration for me to loose the straps. But I got a long way to go!
It was great to share my little piece of heaven with someone who is passionate about this sport and who’s been doing it for as long as I have.
Got a feeling that it may  not be the last time we see Ewan ripping our waves