Lords of Tram 2024 Preparation
The year is flying and I am back in France with just one week to go to the beginning of the window period of Lords of Tram 2024, the first stop of the GKA big air world tour.
Not only Race Director
Like in the last two editions of the contest, I will be Race director.
This year, however, I am more invested as I have joined Tristan Hattu and Etienne De Saunhac as one of the organisers of the event. Hence my presence a couple of weeks before.
It has been an intense 3 months of preparations behind the scenes.
The event is once again sponsored by the city of Barcares, in collaboration with Duotone, Ion and Aneo, and it looks set to be the biggest and best yet!
With all 3 organisers passionate about kiteboarding, and sharing a vision for the sport, we hope to grow the event and set ourselves up for further development in the sport.
Lords of Tram 2024 is a go!
So check out the Website and social media channels for the Green light and get ready for the Big air Kiteboarding show of the year!