Italian exposure 22 years later

Italian Gazzetta article

Not many people know this, but my Kiteboarding experience (in the water) started in Italy. I was living in Rome at the time. Coming from my waveski days, I was desperate for some sporting activity in contact with the water. in 1999 Kiteboarding had just appeared and I was tempted. The cost kept me away, so I got close to it via a large foil kite to jump on the beach and get a taste. 

Kite Jumping on Land

From Beach jumping to the water

The kite was 5m Peel which at the time was a beast of a kite with handles and a really scary climbing harness with no release. After a few attempts with the harness, I realised that without a release, it was way too dangerous.
So it was with no harness and maybe a  backstrap that I proceeded. With time it got more adventurous with wilder conditions. After clocking a few 30m long jumps (around 6m in the air) on the beach, I decided to get in the water.  Somehow I managed with second hand stuff and building some bits myself. It was necessary before I did some permanent damage to my body.
And that is how I stepped into the world of Kiteboarding…

22 years later

22 years later I find myself as the Big Air Kite League Tour Director. I get approached by the Gazzetta dello Sport (Top Italian Sports Publication) for comments on the state of Kiteboarding today. Somewhat of a step up!  From the beaches of Fregene and Ostia jumping on my foil kite to comments on the state of Kiteboarding today! What a trip

If you don’t speak Italian, you can just enjoy the images taken by Manu Borsato.